Change Capture Configuration
This topic contains the settings for configuring change capture in the Jade initialization file (jade.ini, by default). The settings are organized by section, with details about each parameter in the relevant section.
For details about any other Jade initialization sections or parameters not documented in this topic, see the Jade Initialization File Reference in the Jade Platform product information library, available at:
[EventStreaming] Section
This section contains settings specific to event streaming and change capture functionality.
Value type: Boolean
Default: false
Values: The default value of false does not automatically start the Change Capture server application. Set this parameter to true if you want the Change Capture server application to start automatically.
Purpose: Controls the automatic start of the Journal Change Capture server application.
Behavior: When set to true, the Change Capture server application starts automatically when the database server node is started.
Value type: String
Value: A valid directory path; for example, d:\ChangeCaptureOutput.
Purpose: Specifies the root directory for event capture files.
Behavior: The specified directory is shared with the Event Stream Producer (ESP).
A ChangeCapture subdirectory is automatically created under this root directory. Under the ChangeCapture subdirectory, the following subdirectories are created.
Value type: String
Purpose: Specifies the list of classes to include for capture.
Format: Comma-separated list of <schema-name>::<class-name> pairs.
CaptureClassList=BankModelSchema::Account,BankModelSchema::Customer, BankModelSchema::District,BankModelSchema::Transaction
Behavior: Only the classes specified in this list will be included in the change capture process.
[PersistentDb] Section
This section contains parameters related to the persistent database and journal management required for event capture.
Value: Boolean
Default: Not specified
Behavior: To support generation of event schemas, the UseJournalDescriptions parameter must be set to true. When enabled, a new journal description file is generated each time you migrate a schema (or you execute a reorganization).
Event schemas are generated only when the UseJournalDescriptions parameter exists in the Jade initialization file and it is set to true.
Value: Boolean
Default: Not specified
Behavior: This parameter enables or disables the archival recovery option.
It is essential that you enable this parameter (that is, set it to true) so that database journals required for processing by the Change Capture server application are retained after they have been released.
This must be set to true (that is, enabled) for a non‑SDS primary database.
Value: Boolean
Default: Move
Behavior: This parameter specifies what to do for transaction abort processing or restart recovery processing when a journal file that is no longer required is closed and released.
When archival recovery is enabled, the close actions that you can specify are listed in the following table.
Journal Close Action | Processing |
None | No action taken. |
Move | Uses the operating system to move the file to the archive directory. |
The parameter is read when the database server node is initialized; for example, when you restart the database server.
Example Jade Initialization File
[PersistentDb] UseJournalDescriptions=true EnableArchivalRecovery=true JournalCloseAction=None
[EventStreaming] AutoStartChangeCapture=true CaptureIncludeClassList=BankModelSchema::Account,BankModelSchema::Customer, BankModelSchema::District,BankModelSchema::Transaction CaptureRootDirectory=d:\ChangeCaptureOutput