
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at development time, read-only at run time

The mdiChild property of the Form class specifies whether a form is displayed as an MDI child form inside an MDI frame form. Use this property when creating a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) application.

At run time, forms with this property set to MdiChild_IsMdi (2) are displayed inside an MDI form. An MDI child form can be maximized, minimized, and moved inside the parent MDI form (if the minButton and maxButton property values are true).

The settings of the mdiChild property are listed in the following table.

Form Class Constant Value Description
MdiChild_UseAppDefault 0 Use the value of the defaultMdi property for the application to decide whether a form create results in an MDI form or a standalone form (the default)
MdiChild_NotMdi 1 Form create results in a non-MDI form
MdiChild_IsMdi 2 Form create results in an MDI form

The mdiChild property can then be used to provide the user with the choice of running the application as MDI forms when forms that do not specifically have to be MDI forms are assigned the default mdiChild property value.

Setting the application preference at startup time then runs those forms as MDI or standalone forms.

Set this property to a non-default value in the Jade Platform development environment only if it is specifically required to run MDI or standalone forms. For example, forms shown modally must have a resulting mdiChild property value of MdiChild_NotMdi (1), otherwise the form could be created as MDI and then the modal status is ignored, as it cannot be converted after creation.

When working with MDI child forms, keep the following in mind.