
dragOver(win:     Window input;         (Form)
         x:       Real;
         y:       Real;
         state:   Integer);

dragOver(control: control-type input;   (Control)
         win:     Window input;
         x:       Real;
         y:       Real;
         state:   Integer);

The dragOver event occurs for each form or control over which a window is dragged.

A window is placed into drag mode by setting its dragMode property to DragMode_Drag (1).

The dragged-over window receives an indication with each dragOver event as to whether the drag process is entering, continuing, or leaving the window.

The win parameter specifies the window that is being dragged. The x and y parameters specify the physical horizontal and vertical positions where the window was dragged, respectively.

The positions are in the units of the scaleMode property of the form or control. For details about converting to logical positions within the window that has been scrolled, see the scrollHorzPos property.

The values of the state parameter are listed in the following table.

Window Class Constant Value Description
DragOver_Enter 0 If the drag process has just entered this window
DragOver_Continue 1 The second and subsequent calls over this window
DragOver_Leave 2 The drag process has just left this window

See also the dragListIndex, dragColumn, dragRow, and dragSheet properties.

For details about getting and setting the handling of the dragOver event to optimize performance on presentation clients in Jade thin client mode, see the Application class getMouseMoveTime and setMouseMoveTime methods.