Table Class Constants
The constants provided by the Table class are listed in the following table.
Constant | Integer Value | Constant | Integer Value |
AccessMode_Cell | 1 | AccessMode_Column | 2 |
AccessMode_Row | 3 | AccessMode_Sheet | 0 |
Alignment_Center | 3 | Alignment_Center_Bottom | 9 |
Alignment_Center_Middle | 3 | Alignment_Center_Top | 6 |
Alignment_Default | 0 | Alignment_Left | 1 |
Alignment_Left_Bottom | 7 | Alignment_Left_Middle | 1 |
Alignment_Left_Top | 4 | Alignment_Right | 2 |
Alignment_Right_Bottom | 8 | Alignment_Right_Middle | 2 |
Alignment_Right_Top | 5 | AllowDrag_Both | 3 |
AllowDrag_Columns | 2 | AllowDrag_None | 0 |
AllowDrag_Rows | 1 | AllowResize_Any | 0 |
AllowResize_Column | 1 | AllowResize_None | 3 |
AllowResize_Row | 2 | AutoSize_Both | 3 |
AutoSize_BothColumnMinimum | 5 | AutoSize_Column | 2 |
AutoSize_ColumnMinimum | 4 | AutoSize_None | 0 |
AutoSize_Row | 1 | DisplayCollection_Forward | 0 |
DisplayCollection_NoPrior | 0 | DisplayCollection_Prior | 2 |
DisplayCollection_Reversed | 1 | DisplaySorting_AllColumns | 2 |
DisplaySorting_First | 1 | DisplaySorting_None | 0 |
DisplaySorting_Numbers | 3 | DropDown_Auto | 2 |
DropDown_Click | 1 | DropDown_None | 0 |
InputType_CheckBox | 1 | InputType_ComboBox | 3 |
InputType_Default | 5 | InputType_EditMask | 7 |
InputType_None | 0 | InputType_SignedNumeric | 6 |
InputType_TextBox | 2 | InputType_TextNumeric | 4 |
MergeCells_Available | 0 | MergeCells_Merge | 1 |
MergeCells_MergeSelectable | 2 | MergeCells_NotAvailable | 3 |
ScrollMode_Both_Pixel | 3 | ScrollMode_Cell | 0 |
ScrollMode_HorzPixel_VertCell | 1 | ScrollMode_VertPixel_HorzCell | 2 |
SelectMode_Column | 5 | SelectMode_CurrentColumn | 10 |
SelectMode_CurrentRow | 8 | SelectMode_Default | 0 |
SelectMode_FixedColumn | 2 | SelectMode_FixedRow | 1 |
SelectMode_Multiple | 3 | SelectMode_None | 7 |
SelectMode_Row | 4 | SelectMode_Single | 6 |
SelectMode_WholeColumns | 11 | SelectMode_WholeRows | 9 |
SortType_Alpha | 0 | SortType_Date | 2 |
SortType_Numeric | 1 | SortType_Time | 3 |
SortType_TimeStamp | 4 | Stretch_Cell | 1 |
Stretch_Cell_Picture_First | 3 | Stretch_None | 0 |
Stretch_None_Picture_First | 2 | TabInitialPosition_First | 1 |
TabInitialPosition_First_Last | 3 | TabInitialPosition_Last | 2 |
TabInitialPosition_None | 0 | WidthPercent_Style_ClientWidth | 0 |
WidthPercent_Style_NoSetWidths | 1 |