JadeTextEdit Properties
The properties defined in the JadeTextEdit class are summarized in the following table.
Property | Description |
canPaste | Specifies whether the clipboard contains text and it can be pasted into the buffer |
canRedo | Specifies whether editor actions exist that can be redone |
canUndo | Specifies whether editor actions exist that can be undone |
currentColumn | Contains the column in which the caret is positioned |
currentLine | Contains the line in which the caret is positioned |
currentPosition | Contains the character offset at which the caret is positioned |
edgeColor | Contains the color of the marker used to show a line has exceeded the edgeColumn length |
edgeColumn | Contains the number of the column at which the long linemark indicator is displayed |
edgeMode | Contains the mode that is used to display long lines in the text editor |
endOfLineMode | Contains the type of end-of-line sequence that is used when new lines are inserted |
firstVisibleLine | Contains the number of the first line that is visible in the text editor |
foldFlags | Contains the flags that influence text folding behavior |
foldSymbols | Contains the symbol set used in the fold margin when line folding is enabled |
folding | Specifies whether text block folding is enabled in the editor |
indentGuides | Specifies whether vertical indentation guidelines are displayed in the editor |
indentWidth | Contains the width in characters of the text editor indent |
language | Contains the programming language used in the text editor |
markerMargin | Specifies whether the marker margin containing linemarks is displayed |
modified | Specifies whether the text has been modified |
readOnly | Specifies whether the text is read-only for user input |
selBackColor | Contains the background color of text selected in the text editor |
selForeColor | Contains the color of text selected in the text editor |
selLength | Contains the number of characters selected in the text editor |
selStart | Contains the starting character offset of selected text in the text editor |
selText | Contains the string of the currently selected text in the text editor |
tabWidth | Contains the width of a tab in the text editor |
text | Contains the text in the text editor |
useTabs | Specifies whether tabs are used in the text editor to indent lines to the next indent position |
viewEndOfLine | Specifies whether end-of-line characters are displayed in the text editor |
viewLineNumbers | Specifies whether line numbers are displayed in the first margin of text editor lines |
viewWhitespace | Specifies whether space and tab characters are visible in the text editor |
wrapIndent | Contains the number of spaces by which continuation lines of wrapped lines are indented in the text editor |
wrapMode | Contains the way in which lines of text that exceed the text editor control width are wrapped |
wrapVisualFlags | Contains the way in which visual flags indicating wrapped text are displayed in the text editor |
zoom | Contains the zoom factor of the text editor |
For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Properties", later in this document.