JadeTextEdit Events
The event methods defined in the JadeTextEdit class are summarized in the following table.
Event | Occurs when… |
change | Text within the control changes |
click | The user presses and then releases the left mouse button |
contextMenu | The user right‑clicks within the control |
dblClick | The user presses and releases the left mouse button and then presses and releases it again |
firstChange | The contents of the control change for the first time |
gotFocus | The control receives the focus |
keyDown | The user presses a key while the control has the focus |
keyPress | The user presses and releases an ANSI key |
keyUp | The user releases a key while the control has the focus |
lostFocus | A control loses the focus |
paint | Part or all of a control is exposed |
sysNotify | A specified Jade system event occurs |
userNotify | A specified user-defined event or bound key notification occurs |
For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Events", later in this document.