
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at run time only

The drawStyle property of the Printer class contains the line style for output from printer graphics methods. The settings of the drawStyle property are listed in the following table.

Printer Class Constant Value Description
DrawStyle_Dash 1 Dash
DrawStyle_DashDot 3 Dash-dot
DrawStyle_DashDotDot 4 Dash-dot-dot
DrawStyle_Dot 2 Dot
DrawStyle_InsideSolid 6 Draws inside the bounding rectangle, taking the width of the pen into account
DrawStyle_Solid 0 Solid (the default)
DrawStyle_Transparent 5 Transparent

For details about placing output directly on a printer page at any location without the use of frames and drawing rotated text and characters, see "Free-Format Printing", later in this chapter.