lockTarget(): Object;
The lockTarget method of the LockException class returns a reference to the object that is the target of the lock on which an exception is raised.
The following example shows the use of the lockTarget method.
handleLockException(le: LockException): Integer; vars result : Integer; message : String; begin message := "Cannot get lock for " & le.lockTarget.String & ". It is locked by user " ; result := app.msgBox(message & le.targetLockedBy.userCode & ". Retry?", "Lock Error", MsgBox_Question_Mark_Icon + MsgBox_Yes_No); if result = MsgBox_Return_Yes then app.mousePointer := Busy; while not tryLock(le.lockTarget, le.lockType, le.lockDuration, LockTimeout_Server_Defined) do app.mousePointer := Idle; result := app.msgBox(message & le.targetLockedBy.userCode & ". Retry?", "Lock Error", MsgBox_Question_Mark_Icon + MsgBox_Yes_No); if result = MsgBox_Return_No then return Ex_Abort_Action; endif; app.mousePointer := Busy; endwhile; return Ex_Resume_Next; else return Ex_Abort_Action; endif; epilog app.mousePointer := Idle; end;