findAll(text: String; result: JadeRegexResult io): Integer;
The findAll method of the JadeRegexPattern class searches the entire specified text looking for all occurrences of the pattern. Any matches that are found are collated into a JadeRegexResult object.
The following method is an example of a findAll operation with a customized pattern.
findAllExample(); vars pattern : JadeRegexPattern; results : JadeRegexResult; i, count : Integer; begin create pattern; pattern.compile("\b[\w]{3,4}\b"); // find words of 3 to 4 characters long pattern.findAll("the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog", results); foreach i in 1 to results.numMatches do write; endforeach; /*writes: the fox over the lazy dog */ epilog delete results; delete pattern; end;
This method returns the number of matches that are found, or it returns zero (0) if none are found.
2020.0.01 and higher