
parseFile(type:                  Class;
          createdObjects:        ObjectArray input;
          fileName:              String;
          usePresentationClient: Boolean): Object;

The parseFile method of the JadeJson class reads and parses JSON text from a file to create and populate an object and all referenced objects.

The parseFile method parameters are:

The return value is the object created from the parsed JSON string in the file together with any referenced objects. (It is the first object added to the array specified in the createdObjects parameter.)

The returned value is null if the JSON contains null or is empty.

An exception is generated if the text cannot be parsed successfully.

If any object that would be created has a constructor method with parameters, exception 1188 (Constructor not called) is raised. To create an instance of a class that has a constructor method with parameters, the recommended approach is to create a proxy object (without a constructor method) which is then converted to the required object.

JSON text does not necessarily include a tag indicating the type of the data. If the JSON does not include a type tag, the JSON parser must assume that the data is of the correct type. Any properties not found on the class of any object are ignored and no error is raised. If the JSON text does not match the expected type, it could be because no property values are set on the created object.

2016.0.01 and higher