Type: String
The scheme property of the JadeHTTPConnection class contains the HTTP scheme.
Its value can be one of the following JadeHTTPConnection class constants.
Scheme_DIRECT, for direct Jade to Jade web services earlier than Jade 6.2
Scheme_DIRECT_6_2, for direct Jade to Jade web services from Jade 6.2 or later
Scheme_DIRECT_6_2_TcpIpV4, for direct TcpIPv4 Jade to Jade web services from Jade 6.2 or later
Scheme_DIRECT_6_2_TcpIpV6, for direct TcpIPv6 Jade to Jade web services from Jade 6.2 or later
Scheme_FILE; known scheme, but not supported by Jade
Scheme_FTP; known scheme, but not supported by Jade
Scheme_HTTP, for the HTTP scheme (the default value)
Scheme_HTTPS, for the HTTPS scheme