
getNextRecord(pType:          Integer output;
              pObjectType:    Integer output;
              pRecordOffset:  Integer output;
              pTimestamp:     TimeStamp output;
              pSerialNumber:  Decimal output;
              pTransactionId: Decimal output;
              pOid:           String output;
              pClassNumber:   Integer output;
              pEdition:       Integer output): Boolean updating;

The getNextRecord method of the JadeAuditAccess class returns the next (relevant) record retrieved from the current journal file. The current journal file must have been previously opened by using the getJournal or getNextJournal method.

The getNextRecord method does the same as the JadeAuditAccess class getNextRecordUTC method, except that it does not return the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) timestamp and UTC bias values of the record. For details about the values returned by each of the parameters in the method, see the getNextRecordUTC method.

Exception 1406 (Result of expression overflows Integer precision) or 1446 (Result of expression underflowed Integer precision) is returned if the pRecordOffset parameter value exceeds Max_Integer (2,147,483,647) or go below zero (0). If this occurs, use the corresponding getNextRecord_64 method.

The pEdition parameter returns the edition of the object; that is, if the:

If you want to retrieve a record with the UTC timestamp and UTC bias values, use the getNextRecordUTC method.