withAllSubclasses(coll: ClassColl input);
The withAllSubclasses method of the Class class adds all subclasses of the receiver class up to and including the receiver class to the collection specified in the coll parameter. (Note that the collection is not cleared before instances are added.)
The following code fragment adds subclasses of the BankAccount class to a ClassColl collection.
vars classColl: ClassColl; begin create classColl transient; BankAccount.withAllSubclasses(classColl);
When a class name is coded in a method (and colored green in the editor) the reference is evaluated to the root type of the class. In the following code fragment, only subclasses of the
vars classColl: ClassColl; begin create classColl transient; MemberKeyDictionary.withAllSubclasses(classColl);
To find local subclasses of
vars classColl: ClassColl; begin create classColl transient; currentSchema.getClass("MemberKeyDictionary").withAllSubclasses(classColl);