add(value: MemberType) updating;
The add method of the Array class adds an entry to the end of an array, thus increasing the size of the array; for example:
setAllEntries(labels: StringArray; numbers: IntegerArray; colors: IntegerArray) updating; // This method passes all data required by an XYGraph object and labels is // an array containing a label for each entry on the graph, numbers contains // the numbers to be graphed, and colors contains the colors for each entry. vars entry : Integer; begin entry := 1; while entry <= labels.size do labelsArray.add(; entry := entry + 1; endwhile; entry := 1; while entry <= numbers.size do dataArray.add(; entry := entry + 1; endwhile; entry := 1; while entry <= colors.size do colorArray.add(; entry := entry + 1; endwhile; currentList.add(cust); end;