REST Client Header Support
The following JadeRestRequest class constants and methods enable you to add, modify, remove, and view the headers that are to be sent in a REST request.
JadeRestRequest class AddHeader_Forbidden and AddHeader_Success constants.
JadeRestRequest methods:
addHeader, which adds or modifies the header specified in the key parameter with the value specified in the value parameter
getAllHeaders, which returns all headers that will be included in the REST request that can be modified
getHeaderValue, which returns the value of the header specified in the key parameter if it has been set
isHeaderForbidden, which returns true if the header specified in the header parameter is one that is forbidden and cannot be modified
setAcceptHeader, which sets the Accept header to the value specified in the value parameter
setContentTypeHeader, which sets the Content‑Type header to the value specified in the value parameter
setPragmaHeader, which sets the Pragma header to the value specified in the value parameter
setUserAgentHeader, which sets the User-Agent header to the value specified in the value parameter
The special forbidden headers that cannot be modified are listed at:
The following method is an example of adding a header that is to be sent in a REST request.
sendBasicAuthExample(); vars client : JadeRestClient; request : JadeRestRequest; response : JadeRestResponse; base64EncodedCreds : String; begin client := create JadeRestClient("http://localhost/JadeRestSite/jadehttp.dll"); request := create JadeRestRequest('headers'); base64EncodedCreds := "ThisIsNotARealUsername:ThisIsNotARealPassword".Binary.base64Encode(); request.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " & base64EncodedCreds); write request.getAllHeaders(); /* Authorization: Basic VABoAGkAcwBJAHMATgBvAHQAQQBSAGUAYQBsAFUAcwBlAHIAbgBhAG0AZQA6AFQAa ABpAHMASQBzAE4AbwB0AEEAUgBlAGEAbABQAGEAcwBzAHcAbwByAGQA */ create response; client.get(request, response); epilog delete client; delete request; delete response; end;
2022.0.01 and higher