readBinary(length: Integer): Binary;
The readBinary method of the JadeSerialPort class reads binary data from the connection and returns when the number of bytes of data specified in the length parameter have been read or when a block of data is received, depending on the setting of the fillReadBuffer property. This method can be called only when the value of the state property is Connected (2).
Only one synchronous or asynchronous read operation can be performed at one time on a connection. See also the timeout property inherited from the Connection class.
The following example shows the use of the readBinary method.
openButton_click(btn: Button input) updating; vars pos : Integer; bin : Binary; begin if openButton.caption = $X_Open then := connectionName.text;; openButton.caption := $X_OK; else if sendIt.value then if loop.value then self.multiSend; else self.connection.writeBinary(input.text.Binary); endif; elseif receiveIt.value then if loop.value then self.multiReceive; else self.connection.fillReadBuffer := false; bin := self.connection.readBinary(200); sl1.caption := bin.String; endif; endif; endif; end;