Selecting Classes for Inclusion in Your C# Exposure Definition
The Select Classes sheet of the C# Exposure Wizard enables you to select the classes that are to be visible (included) in your C# exposure.
An example of the Select Classes sheet is shown in the following image.
If you selected a superschema of the current schema in the Select top most Schema combo box on the Define Exposure sheet, all classes available for selection in superschemas up to and including the highest-level superschema that you selected are available for inclusion in the C# exposure. By default, superschema classes are not visible and cannot be included in the C# exposure.
The classes available for selection are displayed in the Jade Classes list box at the left of the sheet, in their class hierarchy. If a class has subclasses, it is displayed as a collapsible and expandable node in the list box. When you perform an action on an expanded class item with subclasses, your action applies only to that class. When you perform an action on a collapsed class item with subclasses, your action applies to that class and each of its subclasses.
To preserve the class hierarchy, a class may need to be displayed in a list box of which it is not a member. When this occurs, the item is grayed (disabled from selection) to indicate to the user that it is omitted from this list box. The Next > button is disabled if no classes are included in the C# exposure definition.
To include a class in your C# exposure definition, perform one of the following actions
Select the class in the Jade Classes list box and then click the > button. Alternatively, use the Shift or Ctrl convention to select multiple classes.
Double-click a class in the Jade Classes list box to include it in your C# exposure.
Right-click on a class in the Jade Classes list box and then select the Add Selected Items command from the popup menu that is then displayed.
Select a superclass in the Jade Classes list box and then click the >> button, to include the selected class and all of its subclasses in the C# exposure.
To locate a class in the Jade Classes list box, perform one of the following actions
Press F4.
Right-click and then select the Find command from the popup menu that is displayed.
The Find Type dialog is then displayed, enabling you to specify the class you want to locate in the list box. (For details, see "Finding a Schema, Class, Interface, or Primitive Type", in Chapter 3.)
To remove a class from your C# exposure, perform one of the following actions
Select the class in the Selected Classes for C# list box and then click the < button. Alternatively, use the Shift or Ctrl convention to select multiple classes.
Double-click a class in the Selected Classes for C# list box to remove it from your C# exposure.
Right-click on a class in the Selected Classes for C# list box and then select the Remove Selected Items command from the popup menu that is then displayed.
Remove all classes from your C# exposure, by clicking the << button.