Inspector Security
In earlier releases, development security covering the use of the Inspector form allowed unrestricted access to all instances.
The inspectInstances security hook task is used by the quick inspect toolbar in both the JADE development environment and the Schema Inspector dialog to control access to the inspection of instances. The entityName input parameter enables you to control access to a specific class (schema‑name::class‑name).
The inspectMethod security hook task toggles access to the Object class and Collection class inspect and inspectModal methods. The entityName input parameter enables you to control access to a specific class (schema‑name::class‑name).
The enableInspectToolbar security hook task is used by the JADE development environment quick inspect toolbar and the Schema Inspector dialog to control access to the quick inspect toolbar itself. The entityName input parameter specifies the schema (schema-name) and application (application‑name) that the quick inspect functionality can access. If an enableInspectToolbar security hook task fails in the:
JADE development environment, the quick inspect toolbar is disabled. If the quick inspect toolbar is already floating when this security hook fails, the floating quick inspect toolbar will be disabled but will still be able to be docked.
Schema Inspector, the quick inspect toolbar and the corresponding Option menu Show Inspect Toolbar command will not be visible.
The searchInstances security hook task enables you to control the search behavior of the quick inspect toolbar both in the JADE development environment and the Schema Inspector dialog. The entityName input parameter specifies the schema (schema-name) to which to control access. When a user fails the security check in the:
Schema Inspector dialog, the quick inspect toolbar is still displayed, but accepts only valid OIDs.
JADE development environment, the quick inspect toolbar is still displayed but accepts only valid OIDs and the floating Quick Inspect form does not display a list box.
For details about mechanisms to restrict access to tasks in the JADE development environment and task authentication, see "