The Jade Platform development environment provides the External Components Browser, which is accessed by selecting the External Component Libraries command from the Browse menu.
The External Components Browser contains
Each sheet of the Browser contains a list of all Active X control and automation server libraries
If you have not yet imported an ActiveX type
You can change your default browser options, if required, by using the Browser sheet, accessed from the Options menu Preferences command.
Jade does not support the creation of ActiveX
If you cannot modify the class, consider writing an ActiveX
DotNetClass { public DotNetClass(int arguments) { } }
When you attempt to run the
using AssemblyName.DotNetClass; public class DotNetClassWrapper { DotNetClass dnc; int passInt=0; public void setDotNetClass(int x) { passInt = x; } public void createDotNetClass() { dnc = new DotNetClass(passInt); } public DotNetClass getDotNetClassObj() { if(dnc != null) return dnc; else return null; } }
Compile the wrapper method, linking it to the DotNetClass assembly, before importing the .NET wrapper assembly and access the DotNetClass class as follows.
vars dnc : DotNetClass; dncWrapper : DotNetClassWrapper; begin create dncWrapper transient; dncWrapper.createDotNetObject; dncWrapper.setDotNetClass(10.Integer); dncWrapper.createDotNetClass(); dnc := dncWrapper.getDotNetClassObj().DotNetClass; epilog delete dncWrapper; end;