Administration and Deployment Documents
The following sections summarize the administration‑ and deployment‑related documents in the Jade Platform product information library.
Database Administration Guide (DbAdmin)
For database administrators.
Using the single user offline Jade Database utility |
Using the single user or multiuser online Jade Database Administration utility |
Database administration, including backing up and recovering databases, database certification, and database space management |
Using the Jade Database Encryption utility |
Event Streaming User's Guide (EventStreaming)
For users intending to integrate Event Streaming into their Jade Platform application or anyone interested in learning more about the capability.
Event Streaming overview |
Quick Start Guide to getting started using Jade Event Streaming |
Configuring Change Capture, Event Stream Producer, and topics |
Installing and running the Event Stream Producer |
Jade event structure and schema |
External Storage Provider interface and storage types |
Schema caching and schema registry |
Glossary |
Monitor User's Guide (JadeMonitor)
For system administrators when monitoring, analyzing, and diagnosing a Jade environment.
Initiating and setting up the Jade Monitor, including running the Jade Monitor as a background process |
Using the Jade Monitor for system instrumentation and diagnosis |
Remote Access Program User's Guide (JadRap)
For system administrators when starting or administering Jade on a server node and recording server node statistics.
Starting or administering Jade on a server node |
Runtime Application Guide (RuntimeApps)
For system administrators when administering Jade runtime applications.
Running a Jade user application |
Using skins in runtime applications |
Using rich text controls on runtime forms |
Converting a user database |
Deploying database files |
Upgrading to a new release of a runtime application |
Customizing the deployment upgrade process |
Schema Inspector Utility User's Guide (SchemaInspector)
For system administrators when inspecting Jade database objects in production systems.
Inspecting Jade database objects in production systems |
Schema Load User's Guide (JadScmLoad)
For system administrators when loading user data without using the Jade Platform development environment.
Loading user data |
Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Administration Guide (SDSAdmin)
For system administrators when administering Jade Synchronized Database Services (SDS), including Relational Population Services (RPS).
Covers administering a Jade Synchronized Database Service (SDS) environment |
Considerations when using the Relational Population Service (RPS) to replicate a production Jade database to one or more Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) target databases |
Thin Client Guide (ThinClient)
For system administrators when administering Jade thin client environments.
Installing application servers and presentation clients and customizing the installation of Jade presentation client software |
Running the application server and presentation clients |
Administering Jade thin client environments |
Jade thin client considerations and restrictions |
Upgrading software on presentation clients |
Web Application Guide (WebApps)
For system administrators when administering Jade HTML and web service applications.
Implementing HTML and web service Jade applications |
Monitoring web applications |
Configuring web applications |
Using the Rich Internet Application (RIA) framework |