KafkaSender Section

The "KafkaSender" section provides configuration settings for a any Sender producing through a Kafka API (for example, a local Apache Kafka or Azure Event Hubs with a Kafka Surface) that connects to a Kafka broker.

"KafkaSender": {
   "Properties": {
      "bootstrap.servers": "<kafka-broker-address>",
      "security.protocol": "<security-protocol>"

The "KafkaSender" "Properties" parameters are listed in the following table.

Parameter Required? Description
bootstrap.servers Yes Address of the Kafka broker or brokers
security.protocol No Security protocol for Kafka (for example, "plaintext", "SSL", "SASL_PLAINTEXT", or "SASL_SSL")

See https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/clients/librdkafka/html/md_CONFIGURATION.html for the full list of Kafka properties that can be specified. Of these, the only required setting is bootstrap.servers.