KafkaSender Section
The "KafkaSender" section provides configuration settings for a any Sender producing through a Kafka API (for example, a local Apache Kafka or Azure Event Hubs with a Kafka Surface) that connects to a Kafka broker.
"KafkaSender": { "Properties": { "bootstrap.servers": "<kafka-broker-address>", "security.protocol": "<security-protocol>" } }
The "KafkaSender" "Properties" parameters are listed in the following table.
Parameter | Required? | Description |
bootstrap.servers | Yes | Address of the Kafka broker or brokers |
security.protocol | No | Security protocol for Kafka (for example, "plaintext", "SSL", "SASL_PLAINTEXT", or "SASL_SSL") |
See https://docs.confluent.io/platform/current/clients/librdkafka/html/md_CONFIGURATION.html for the full list of Kafka properties that can be specified. Of these, the only required setting is bootstrap.servers.