FileStorageProvider Section

The "FileStorageProvider" section in the configuration JSON specifies settings for the File System Storage Provider. This provider allows the Event Stream Producer to store blob and slob properties with sizes above a configured threshold value in the local file system. (For details, see "SizeThresholds", later in this topic.)

   "FileStorageProvider": {
      "RootDirectory": "<path‑to‑root‑directory>"

The RootDirectory parameter is required. It specifies the root directory where the File System Storage Provider will store blob or slob data, and it has a String type; for example:


For file paths and local configurations, determine values based on your system set up and requirements.

FileStorageProvider Usage

The RootDirectory parameter should point to a directory where the application has read and write permissions. The File System Storage Provider will create subdirectories within this root directory to organize stored data.

Directory Structure

The FileStorageProvider creates a hierarchical structure within the RootDirectory, as follows.

├── YYYY-MM\
│   ├── TransactionID1\
│   │   ├── [EventID1]__PropertyName1.blob
│   │   └── [EventID1]__PropertyName2.slob
│   └── TransactionID2\
│       ├── [EventID2]__PropertyName1.blob
│       └── [EventID2]__PropertyName2.slob
└── YYYY-MM\
└── ...

In this structure:

Example Configuration

In the following configuration example, the File System Storage Provider will use "D:\event-egress\LobData" as the root directory for storing large object (lob) data.

      "RootDirectory": "D:\\event-egress\\LobData"

When using the FileStorageProvider section: