AzureSchemaRegistry Section

The "AzureSchemaRegistry" section provides configuration for the Azure Schema Registry used for registering Event Schemas that form the data contract.

"AzureSchemaRegistry": {
   "Endpoint": "https://<namespace>",
   "SchemaFormat": "Json",
      "Type": "AzureLogin"
   "RetryOptions": {
      "MaxRetries": 3,
      "RetryDelay": 800,
      "MaxRetryDelay": 60000,
      "StatusCodes": [408, 500, 502, 503, 504],

The parameters are listed in the following table.

Parameter Required? Description
Endpoint Yes URL endpoint for the Azure SchemaRegistry service, in the form https://<namespace>
SchemaGroup Yes Name of the schema group set up under the specified namespace.
SchemaFormat Yes Format that the schema files describe. Currently only "Json" is supported.
Authentication Yes

The SchemaRegistry section Authentication parameter Type can be one of the following.

  • AzureLogin - uses AzureCliCredentials, requiring the az login command to be run

  • AzureClientSecret - uses AzureClientSecretCredentials

  • AzureEnvironment - uses AzureEnvironmentCredentials, which relies on AZURE_xxx environment variables

RetryOptions No

Can be used to configure the retry behavior of the transport mechanism used to communicate with the Schema Registry. It allows fine‑tuning of the retry mechanism to make the availability of the service more resilient. The retry options are:

  • "MaxRetries" is the maximum number of retry attempts before reporting an error. The default value is 3.

  • "RetryDelay" is the minimum delay in milliseconds between retry attempts. The default value is 800 milliseconds.

  • "MaxRetryDelay" is the maximum delay in milliseconds between retry attempts. The default value is 60 seconds.

  • "StatusCodes" is the HTTP status codes that indicate when an operation should be retried. The default values are HTTP status codes RequestTimeout(408), InternalServerError(500), BadGateway(502), ServiceUnavailable(503), GatewayTimeout(504).

EventhubNamespace No Reserved for future use.