
wbemRetrieveData(className:     String;
                 instNameArray: HugeStringArray;
                 jdoArray:      JadeDynamicObjectArray input);

The wbemRetrieveData method of the Node class retrieves Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) instances and attribute values for a specified WBEM class. The values are retrieved from the machine in which the node of the receiver object is running.

Jade allows only a subset of classes to be used. The allowed classes are those relating to cache, memory, system, processor, server, disk, and network interface information.

A JadeDynamicObject instance is created for each WBEM instance that is retrieved and added to the instance of the JadeDynamicObjectArray specified by the jdoArray input parameter. If the array is transient, the JadeDynamicObject instances are transient (not shared). If the array is persistent, the instances are persistent.

The caller is responsible for creating and deleting the JadeDynamicObjectArray instance, and for deleting any JadeDynamicObject instances that are added to it.

The instNameArray parameter is used to select the set of WBEM instances that are retrieved. If used, the array should contain a set of strings representing the names of the WBEM instances to be retrieved. Only WBEM instances that have names that match entries in the array are returned. If the value of the instNameArray parameter is null, all instances for the class specified by the className parameter are returned.

As this method does not clear or purge the JadeDynamicObjectArray before inserting the JadeDynamicObject instances, if it is called multiple times without first calling the purge or clear methods, previously added entries will remain in the array.

Each JadeDynamicObject that is created contains attributes representing each attribute of the corresponding WBEM instance. The name of each attribute matches the WBEM class attribute name. The attribute value is one of the following types, depending on the corresponding WBEM attribute type:

Jade converts WBEM attributes that are arrays into individual attributes with the array index inserted at the end of each attribute name. Although unlikely, applications should be prepared for the possibility that cumulative Integer64 values will overflow to negative values. The maximum value before they overflow to a negative value is 2^63 - 1 (approximately 8 Exabytes).

There are some attributes that are not returned by Jade. These are mainly attributes that pertain to WBEM class and superclass names.

There is a limit of approximately 48K bytes to the size of the WBEM data that can be retrieved from remote nodes. If this limit is exceeded, exception 1141 is raised, in which case you should use the instNameArray parameter to restrict the number of WBEM class instances that are retrieved.

If a name that is not allowed or recognized is used, exception 1136 is raised.

The following example shows the use of the wbemRetrieveData method.

   wbemClassName : String;
   jdoArray : JadeDynamicObjectArray;
   jdo : JadeDynamicObject;
   wbemClassName := "Root.CIMV2.CIM_StatisticalInformation.Win32_Perf."
                  & "Win32_PerfFormattedData.Win32_PerfFormattedData_"
                  & "PerfOS_Processor";
   create jdoArray transient;
   node.wbemRetrieveData(wbemClassName, null, jdoArray);
   foreach jdo in jdoArray do
      write jdo.display;
   delete jdoArray;

The following example shows the use of the instNameArray parameter to restrict the number of WBEM class instances retrieved by the wbemRetrieveData method.

   wbemClassName : String;
   jdoArray : JadeDynamicObjectArray;
   hsa : HugeStringArray;
   jdo : JadeDynamicObject;
   wbemClassName := "Root.CIMV2.CIM_StatisticalInformation.Win32_Perf."
                  & "Win32_PerfRawData.Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_
                  & "LogicalDisk";
   create hsa transient;
   hsa[1] := "C:";
   hsa[2] := "E:";
   create jdoArray transient;
   node.wbemRetrieveData(wbemClassName, hsa, jdoArray);
   foreach jdo in jdoArray do
      write jdo.display;
   delete hsa;
   delete jdoArray;

The output from the wbemRetrieveData method shown in the previous example is as follows.

CIMPath = \\wilbur2a\root\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk.Name="C:"
CIMClass = Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk
AvgDiskBytesPerRead = 10004757504
AvgDiskBytesPerRead_Base = 450205
AvgDiskBytesPerTransfer = 27031866880
AvgDiskBytesPerTransfer_Base = 1234382
AvgDiskBytesPerWrite = 17027109376
AvgDiskBytesPerWrite_Base = 784177
AvgDiskQueueLength = 2183210108
AvgDiskReadQueueLength = 2379370099
AvgDisksecPerRead = 3604485205
AvgDisksecPerRead_Base = 450205
AvgDisksecPerTransfer = 1117796622
AvgDisksecPerTransfer_Base = 1234382
AvgDisksecPerWrite = 1808278713
AvgDisksecPerWrite_Base = 784177
AvgDiskWriteQueueLength = -196159991
Caption = NULL
CurrentDiskQueueLength = 0
Description = NULL
DiskBytesPersec = 27031866880
DiskReadBytesPersec = 10004757504
DiskReadsPersec = 450205
DiskTransfersPersec = 1234382
DiskWriteBytesPersec = 17027109376
DiskWritesPersec = 784177
FreeMegabytes = 15309
Frequency_Object = 0
Frequency_PerfTime = 3192100000
Frequency_Sys100NS = 10000000
Name = C:
PercentDiskReadTime = 2379370099
PercentDiskReadTime_Base = 128217570284699662
PercentDiskTime = 2183210108
PercentDiskTime_Base = 128217570284699662
PercentDiskWriteTime = -196159991
PercentDiskWriteTime_Base = 128217570284699662
PercentFreeSpace = 15309
PercentFreeSpace_Base = 72763
PercentIdleTime = -742782462
PercentIdleTime_Base = 128217570284699662
SplitIOPerSec = 69672
Timestamp_Object = 0
Timestamp_PerfTime = 1651626206541880
Timestamp_Sys100NS = 128217570284699662
CIMPath = \\wilbur2a\root\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk.Name="E:"
CIMClass = Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk
AvgDiskBytesPerRead = 9827585536
AvgDiskBytesPerRead_Base = 290889
AvgDiskBytesPerTransfer = 15723511808
AvgDiskBytesPerTransfer_Base = 397212
AvgDiskBytesPerWrite = 5895926272
AvgDiskBytesPerWrite_Base = 106323
AvgDiskQueueLength = 3881830496
AvgDiskReadQueueLength = 2274370873
AvgDisksecPerRead = 152453346
AvgDisksecPerRead_Base = 290889
AvgDisksecPerTransfer = 2168531380
AvgDisksecPerTransfer_Base = 397212
AvgDisksecPerWrite = 2016078033
AvgDisksecPerWrite_Base = 106323
AvgDiskWriteQueueLength = 1607459623
Caption = NULL
CurrentDiskQueueLength = 0
Description = NULL
DiskBytesPersec = 15723511808
DiskReadBytesPersec = 9827585536
DiskReadsPersec = 290889
DiskTransfersPersec = 397212
DiskWriteBytesPersec = 5895926272
DiskWritesPersec = 106323
FreeMegabytes = 103216
Frequency_Object = 0
Frequency_PerfTime = 3192100000
Frequency_Sys100NS = 10000000
Name = E:
PercentDiskReadTime = 2274370873
PercentDiskReadTime_Base = 128217570284699662
PercentDiskTime = 3881830496
PercentDiskTime_Base = 128217570284699662
PercentDiskWriteTime = 1607459623
PercentDiskWriteTime_Base = 128217570284699662
PercentFreeSpace = 103216
PercentFreeSpace_Base = 190779
PercentIdleTime = 1794241932
PercentIdleTime_Base = 128217570284699662
SplitIOPerSec = 6177
Timestamp_Object = 0
Timestamp_PerfTime = 1651626206541880
Timestamp_Sys100NS = 128217570284699662