Using Concurrent Windows
In the JADE development environment, the schema of the window or browser that currently has focus is the current schema. (For example, although the LockTest schema may be selected in the Schema Browser, the TestSchema schema is the current schema if the TestSchema Class Browser is the current window; that is, it is the window that has focus.)
You can have concurrent open windows for different schemas, which enables you to view components of other schemas and to work concurrently in two or more schemas in the same JADE database. For example, you can browse the classes, properties, or methods in an existing schema while you define a new schema.
Although you can have a browser of each type (for example, a Maps, Format Browser, or an Application Browser) open for one or more schemas at any time in a work session, only one Schema Browser (and Painter window) can be open for the whole database, as the schema itself is development environment-dependent.
You can, however, have concurrent forms for different schemas open in the Painter window even though you can have only one Painter window open at any time.
In addition, you can have any number of the following types of browsers open concurrently for each schema, if required.
Class Browser
Primitive Types Browser
Interface Browser
Methods Browser
In summary, you can have:
One Schema Browser only open at any time in a development environment work session
Concurrent open browsers for different schemas in that session
Concurrent open Class, Primitive Types, Interface, and Methods Browsers in a specific schema
You can also have concurrent open Summary of Patches and Translator windows for different schemas in a development environment session.
Use the Schema menu Close Windows for Schema command to close all open windows for the current schema (that is, the schema of the window that currently has focus).