Unloading All Report Data using the Non-GUI Client Application
The jadclient non-GUI client application enables you to extract all report data to a flat file (for example, when upgrading from one JADE release to another from one JADE release to another JADE release in which the class number range has changed).
You must specify the executeSchema argument with a value of JadeReportWriterSchema, the executeClass argument with a value of JadeReportWriterGlobal, the executeMethod argument with a value of unloadAllToFile, and the executeParam argument with the name and output location of your report data file, which should have the default .rwa suffix, as shown in the following example.
jadclient path=d:\jade\system ini=d:\jade\myjade.ini app=RootSchemaApp schema=RootSchema executeSchema=JadeReportWriterSchema executeClass=JadeReportWriterGlobal executeMethod=unloadAllToFile executeParam=d:\jade\rpts\alldata.rwa
The syntax of the execute arguments in the jadclient command line is as follows.
jadclient path=database-path ini=initialization-file-name app=RootSchemaApp schema=RootSchema executeSchema=JadeReportWriterSchema executeClass=JadeReportWriterGlobal executeMethod=unloadAllToFile executeParam=output-location\output-file-name-prefix.rwa
As these execute element arguments are case‑sensitive, you must specify the values exactly or an error is output.