Running a Database Server Node as a Console Application
Run the console version of the JADE Remote Access Program from a command line, specifying the following.
jadrapb path=database-path ini=JADE-initialization-file-path
The following is an example of the command line.
jadrapb path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system.ini
The main use case for the jadrapb executable that runs a database server node as a console application is to provide a Docker container‑ready entrypoint process. The following is an example of the Dockerfile syntax.
# define the entrypoint process ENTRYPOINT ["c:/bin/jadrapb.exe"] # Set default arguments to pass to the entrypoint process when starting the container CMD ["ini=c:/system.ini", "path=c:/system", ` "persistentdb.journalrootdirectory=c:/journals", ` "jadelog.logfile=db_server", "jadelog.logdirectory=c:/logs"]
2020.0.01 and higher