
getPropertyDisplay(property: String;
                   str:      String io): Boolean;

The getPropertyDisplay method of the Window class is primarily for use with ActiveX controls and user-defined controls, where the ActiveX or user-defined control is requested to return its textual representation of a property value.

The parameters of the getPropertyDisplay method are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
property Name of the property being requested
str Returned string representation

The return values of the getPropertyDisplay method are listed in the following table.

Value Description
true The str parameter contains the property string text
false Not implemented for this property

The getPropertyDisplay method is called by the Painter for a property to give it the opportunity of formatting the property value for display. If a string is returned, the Painter uses it. If a string is not returned, the Painter default formatting is used.

If you want your subclassed controls to return their textual representation of a property value, you must reimplement this method so that it can be called by Painter.

The method in the following example shows the use of the getPropertyDisplay method.

getPropertyDisplay(property: String; str: String io): Boolean;
    inheritMethod(property, str);
    if property = "clockType" then
        str := "clockType";
        return true;