JadeRestRequest Class Constants
The constants provided by the JadeRestRequest class are listed in the following table.
JadeRestRequest Class Constant | Value |
ContentType_FormUrlEncoded | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" |
ContentType_JSON | "application/json" |
ContentType_JSON_Any | "application/*+json" |
ContentType_JSON_PATCH | "application/json-patch+json" |
ContentType_MultipartFormData | "multipart/form-data" |
ContentType_OctetStream | "application/octet-stream" |
ContentType_XML | "application/xml" |
DataFormat_FormUrlEncoding | 5 |
DataFormat_JSON | 3 |
DataFormat_JSONN | 4 |
DataFormat_JSON_Any | 8 |
DataFormat_JSON_PATCH | 11 |
DataFormat_MultipartFormData | 6 |
DataFormat_OctetStream | 7 |
DataFormat_PDF | 27 |
DataFormat_Text_JSON | 10 |
DataFormat_Text_Plain | 9 |
DataFormat_Unknown | -1 |
DataFormat_XML | 1 |
DiscriminatorJSON | "__type" |
DiscriminatorJSONN | "$type" |
JadeRestApiFormat_JSON | ".JSON" |
JadeRestApiFormat_Newtonsoft | ".JSONN" |
JadeRestApiFormat_XML | ".XML" |
2020.0.01 and higher