JadeJWTModel Class
The JadeJWTModel class is the abstract superclass of JSON Web Token (JWT) classes that enable you to create, parse, and validate JSON Web Tokens. JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry‑standard way for a client to make identity claim to a server, including a signature that proves the token was created by a party trusted by that server.
JSON Web Tokens can be used to restrict access to REST service methods defined on a JadeRestService user subclass. For details, see "
JSON Web Tokens consist of the following parts.
The header contains meta-information about the token; for example, the name of the encryption algorithm used to sign the token.
The body, or payload, contains the claims that the token is making about the identity of the bearer.
The signature is generated by concatenating the base‑64‑encoded header and payload, then encrypted. This ensures that the signature becomes invalid if the header or the payload is changed.
JadeJWKSAuthProviderResponse, JadeJWTClaim, JadeJWTParser, JadeJWTValidator, JadeJsonWebKeySetReader, JadeJsonWebToken
2020.0.01 and higher