JadeJsonWebToken Methods
The methods defined in the JadeJsonWebToken class are summarized in the following table.
Method | Description |
addAudience | Adds an audience (aud) claim to the JSON Web Token |
addCustomClaim | Adds a custom claim to the JSON Web Token |
addExpiry | Adds an expiry (exp) claim to the JSON Web Token |
addId | Adds a JSON Web Token Identifier (jti) claim to the JSON Web Token |
addIssuer | Adds an issuer (iss) claim to the JSON Web Token |
addNotBefore | Adds a not before (nbf) claim to the JSON Web Token |
addSubject | Adds a subject (sub) claim to the JSON Web Token |
encodeHS256 | Serializes the token, signing it with the HS256 algorithm |
encodeHS384 | Serializes the token, signing it with the HS384 algorithm |
encodeHS512 | Serializes the token, signing it with the HS512 algorithm |
getTokenFromEndpoint | Sends a REST request to the specified endpoint URL with the specified POST data (if required), then returns the JSON Web Token from that endpoint |
overrideIssuedAt | Sets the issued at (iat) claim to the specified TimeStamp, rather than the TimeStamp at which the token was created |
2020.0.01 and higher