sdsGetMyServerInfo(myAttributes: JadeDynamicObject input);
The sdsGetMyServerInfo method of the JadeDatabaseAdmin class, valid at the primary and secondary databases and RPS nodes, populates a JadeDynamicObject instance describing the SDS or RPS attributes of the JADE system. The caller is responsible for the creation and deletion of the input dynamic object parameter.
When this method is invoked from the primary database system, the input parameter is converted into an SDSPrimary dynamic object, whose name attribute has a value of SDSPrimary and type attribute has a value of SDS_PrimaryType (1).
The primary dynamic attributes are listed in the following table.
Name | Type | Description |
connectedSecondaryServers | Integer | Number of secondary servers connected to the primary |
currentJournalNumber | Integer | Number of the current write journal |
currentJournalTimeStamp | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the current journal converted to a local value |
currentJournalTimeStampUTC | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the current journal as a UTC value |
latestCommittedTimestamp | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the latest commit audit record appended to the audit trail converted to a local value |
latestCommittedTimestampUTC | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the latest commit audit record appended to the audit trail as a UTC value |
maxCommittedTranID | Decimal | Highest transaction id committed by the primary database, which may not be the latest transaction committed |
myHostName | String | Computer name of the primary host |
myName | String | Name of the primary, specified in the |
The audit timestamp attributes with a UTC suffix hold UTC values that are not converted to local time. The audit timestamp attributes without a UTC suffix hold UTC values that are converted to local time. The timestamps of both the primary and secondary or RPS node are both derived from the UTC audit timestamp recorded by the primary and converted to local time on the secondary (catering for primary and secondary or RPS node time zones that differ).
When this method is invoked from a secondary database system or RPS node, the input parameter is converted into an SDSSecondary dynamic object, whose name attribute has a value of SDSSecondary and type attribute has a value of SDS_SecondaryType (3).
The secondary or RPS node dynamic attributes are listed in the following table.
Name | Type | Description |
activeTransactions | Integer | Number of active transactions |
connectionCheckInterval | Integer | Number of seconds at which the secondary database or RPS node polls the primary to determine reachability via the communication paths, specified in the |
connectionState | Integer | State of the connection to the primary (see the table of connectionState attribute values, later in this topic) |
currentReplayJournalNumber | Integer | Number of the journal currently replaying |
currentReplayJournalTimeStamp | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the journal currently replaying converted to a local value |
currentReplayJournalTimeStampUTC | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the journal currently replaying as a UTC value |
interruptedTransactions | Integer | Number of interrupted transactions |
lastErrorCode | Integer | Number of the last error that occurred |
lastReplayJournalNumber | Integer | Number of the last journal that was replayed |
lastReplayJournalTimeStamp | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the last journal that was replayed converted to a local value |
lastReplayJournalTimeStampUTC | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the last journal that was replayed as a UTC value |
latestReadyJournalNumber | Integer | Number of the latest journal that is ready to be replayed |
latestReadyJournalTimeStamp | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the latest journal that is ready to be replayed converted to a local value |
latestReadyJournalTimeStampUTC | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the latest journal that is ready to be replayed as a UTC value |
latestReplayedAuditTimeStamp | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the last audit record replayed by the database tracker converted to a local value |
latestReplayedAuditTimeStampUTC | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the last audit record replayed by the database tracker as a UTC value |
latestStableAuditTimeStamp | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the last audit record written to disk in block write mode converted to a local value |
latestStableAuditTimeStampUTC | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the last audit record written to disk in block write mode as a UTC value |
myHostName | String | Computer name of the secondary host |
myName | String | Name of the secondary or RPS node, specified in the |
nextReplayJournalNumber | Integer | Number of the next journal to replay |
nextReplayJournalTimeStamp | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the next journal to replay converted to a local value |
nextReplayJournalTimeStampUTC | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the next journal to replay as a UTC value |
primaryHostName | String | Computer name of the primary host |
primaryServerName | String | Name of the primary, specified in the |
readAccessDisabled | Boolean | Specifies whether read access is disabled (the value of the |
readAccessGranted | Boolean | Specifies whether read access has been granted |
reasonTrackingStopped | Integer | Reason tracking stopped (see the table of reasonTrackingStopped attribute values, later in this topic) |
reconnectInterval | Integer | Frequency (in seconds) at which a secondary database server attempts to reconnect to its primary server when a primary server is not available (the value of the |
recoveryRequired | Boolean | Specifies whether recovery is required |
reorgStatus | Integer | Reorganization status (see the table of reorgStatus attribute values, later in this topic) |
rpsStorageMode | Integer | Storage mode represented by one of the RpsStorageMode_Full (0), RpsStorageMode_MappedExtent (1), or RpsStorageMode_WorkingSet (2) JadeDatabaseAdmin class constants |
rpsTransitionHaltCode | Integer | RPS transition halt code (see the table of rpsTransitionHaltCode attribute values, later in this topic) |
rpsWorkers | Integer | Number of RPS worker threads |
state | Integer | State of the secondary or RPS node in relation to the primary (see the table of state attribute values, later in this topic) |
subrole | Integer | Database role (see the table of subrole attribute values, later in this topic) |
syncMode | Integer | Mode of journal synchronization, specified in the |
tracking | Boolean | Contains true when tracking is active or it contains false if tracking is stopped for any reason |
trackingDisabled | Boolean | Specifies whether database tracking (journal replay) process is disabled (the value of the |
The values of the connectionState attribute are represented by one of the
Global Constant | Integer Value |
SDS_Connected | 2 |
SDS_Connecting | 3 |
SDS_ConnectionFailed | 4 |
SDS_Disconnected | 1 |
The values of the reasonTrackingStopped attribute are represented by one of the
Global Constant | Integer Value | Description |
SDS_ReasonErrorHalt | 8 | Tracking halted due to an error condition (the error code is saved in the SDSSecondary or SDSSecondaryProxy dynamic lastErrorCode attribute) |
SDS_ReasonRpsReorgHalt | 9 | Tracking stopped at transition |
SDS_ReasonTakeover | 7 | Tracking stopped during a takeover operation |
The values of the reorgStatus attribute are represented by one of the
Global Constant | Integer Value |
SDS_ReorgStateNotReorging | 1 |
SDS_ReorgStateOfflinePhase | 5 |
SDS_ReorgStateReorgingFiles | 4 |
SDS_ReorgStateRestarting | 6 |
SDS_ReorgStateStarting | 3 |
SDS_ReorgStateSeekingApproval | 2 |
The values of the rpsTransitionHaltCode attribute are represented by one of the
Global Constant | Integer Value | Description |
RPS_HaltAutoScript | 1 | An automatic initiate alter script was generated (will be automatically loaded by the data pump application if configured to automatically restart) |
RPS_HaltManualScript | 2 | A manual alter script was generated (requires administration user intervention to apply changes to RDB before tracking can be resumed) |
RPS_HaltMappingDeleted | 3 | The RPS mapping was deleted on the primary database, rendering the RPS node and associated RDB defunct |
RPS_HaltNoScript | 0 | Changes do not affect RDB, so no script was generated |
The values of the state attribute are represented by one of the
Global Constant | Integer Value |
SDS_StateCatchingUp | 1 |
SDS_StateDisconnected | 0 |
SDS_StateReorging | 5 |
SDS_StateSynchronized | 2 |
SDS_StateTrackingHalted | 4 |
SDS_StateTransferHalted | 3 |
The values of the subrole attribute are represented by one of the
Global Constant | Integer Value |
SDS_SubroleNative (native JADE Object Manager database) | 1 |
SDS_SubroleRelational (relational database) | 2 |
The values of the syncMode attribute are represented by one of the
Global Constant | Integer Value |
SDS_BlockWrite | 2 |
SDS_JournalSwitch | 1 |
When a secondary server or RPS node is restarted in an interrupted mode, the recoveryRequired attribute is set and the active and interrupted transaction counts are not valid until the first journal has been replayed. The recoveryRequired attribute is reset when the outstanding interrupted transactions complete.
For the block write synchronization mode only, the dynamic attributes for the secondary or RPS object type are listed in the following table.
Name | Type | Description |
latestReplayedAuditTimestamp | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the latest replayed audit record |
latestStableAuditTimestamp | TimeStamp | Timestamp of the latest stable replayed audit record |
maxCommittedTranID | Decimal | Transaction id of the maximum committed audit record |
maxReplayedTranID | Decimal | Transaction id of the maximum replayed audit record |
maxStableTranID | Decimal | Transaction id of the maximum stable audit record |
To obtain the latest committed timestamp for a secondary or RPS node in block write synchronization mode, compare the latestReplayedAuditTimestamp attribute with the latestStableAuditTimestamp value, by a single call to the sdsGetMyServerInfo method from a secondary or RPS node (or the sdsGetSecondaryInfo method from the primary). The difference between these attribute values should be very small and under normal conditions, they will differ only by network latency plus the journal disk write time on the secondary or RPS node.
All audit timestamps are UTC values, which are converted to local time for dynamic attributes. The timestamps of both the primary and secondary or RPS proxy are both derived from the UTC audit timestamp recorded by the primary and converted to local time on the secondary or RPS proxy (catering for primary and secondary or RPS proxy time zones that differ).