jdbutilb path=database-path ini=initialization-file-name convertToBackup [workers=number-of-worker-threads]
The convertToBackup operation can be performed when the database image has been recovered to the end of a journal that contains in‑progress transactions. Note that it is not valid to run the convertToBackup operation on a database image:
That is in a crashed state requiring restart recovery
Where the class file mappings are inconsistent, which could happen if a step‑wise recovery terminated during a schema instantiation
If you have specified a value for the
Specify the optional workers argument if you want to use a single worker thread (1) or more than the default two (2) multiple concurrent worker threads. The convertToBackup operation can use a maximum of 16 multiple concurrent worker threads.
The following example shows the use of the convertToBackup command.
jdbutilb path=s:\jade\system ini=s:\jade\backups\jade.ini convertToBackup workers=3
This verifies the database and creates restoreinfo and backupinfo files that contain MD5 file checksums in the database directory specified in the path argument. Operational logging is output to the checksum.log file that is also located in the database directory specified in the path argument.
If the operation is successful, you can then perform the required action with the specified database directory (for example, you can copy the files to tape).
To verify loaded database files that have been copied back from another medium, execute the jdbutilb program as follows.
jdbutilb path=database-path ini=initialization-file-name verifyChecksums
The following example shows the use of the verifyChecksums command.
jdbutilb path=s:\jade\system ini=s:\jade\backups\jade.ini verifyChecksums
For more details, see "Custom Backup Support" under "Backups", in Chapter 3.