This image shows a configuration that splits the request processing workload between two independent copies of a Web application. Each copy has a separate independent connection queue. The jadehttp.dll distributes requests by selecting a new or idle connection from the next group that has not yet reached MaxInUse connections (round-robin selection).
Two application sections (each with a unique id) are defined, because the MWTT associated with each Web application listens on a different TCP address and port.
It is unusual to use this configuration to expose a single Web application as it is possible that the request processing load is not equally shared between the Web application copies. Configuration 2 in the previous section is much more effective at sharing the processing load between multiple copies of a Web application.
The configuration in this section is more likely when several unrelated Web applications are exposed from the same database environment. In that case, the jadehttp.ini file will contain a separate section for each of the Web applications rather than the dual group section shown in the example in the following subsection.