Defining Ad Hoc Index Keys

When you have defined the name and membership class of your new ad hoc index and clicked the Next button, the Keys sheet of the Define Ad Hoc Index dialog is displayed, to enable you to select the properties of that class to be used as keys in the index.

An example of the Keys sheet is shown in the following image.

To define the keys for your ad hoc index

  1. Perform one of the following actions.

    The property is then moved to the pane at the lower area of the dialog. By default, keys are sorted in ascending order and they are case‑sensitive.

  2. If you want to reverse the sort order, click on a property selected as a key in the pane in the lower area of the dialog and then check the Descending check box.

  3. If the property selected in the lower area of the form is of type String or StringUtf8, check the Case Insensitive check box if you want the key to be case‑insensitive.

  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 of this instruction until you have defined all keys that you require in the ad hoc index.

  5. Click the Next > button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button.

When you click the Next > button, the Text sheet is displayed, which enables you to specify a description of the ad hoc index, if required.