Modifying a Value Using the Debugger

You can modify the value of a primitive type (with the exception of type Any) associated with the current method that is executing in the debugger.

To modify the value of an item in the current method

  1. Perform one of the following actions.

    The Modify Variable dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed, to enable you to specify the new value for the selected variable.

    You can scroll the Value text box in the Current group box to view a long string or binary value, if required. The name of the item on which the caret is positioned in the Method Source window is displayed in the Variable Name text box and the current value, type, and usage are displayed in the Current group box.

  2. In the New value text box, specify the new value required for the selected variable. The type of value that you specify must be the same as that of the selected value; that is, you cannot change the value of a numeric variable to a string value.

  3. Click the OK button.

    The OK button and the New Value text box are enabled only if it is valid to change the item.