Renaming or Changing an Entity

You can change or rename almost any identifier selected within the body of a method in the editor pane (for example, a local variable or a method) of the Class Browser, by positioning the cursor in the entity and then selecting the Rename / Change command from the Refactor submenu of the Edit menu (or you can press Shift+F2). This then attempts to process the identifier under the cursor to perform a rename or change. Alternatively, you can select the whole identifier.

The JADE development security library is called, to ensure that you have access to the schema in which the entity will be renamed when it is not defined in the currently selected schema.

The result of the refactor action depends on the type of the identifier, as follows. When the:

If the cursor is not positioned on one of the variables in this list or it is a package or an interface entity, a message box is displayed advising you that the cursor is not positioned on an entity that can be changed or renamed in this way.

The action can also be rejected because:

Normal versioning and patch versioning rules apply, based on the schema of the entity that is changed.