Defining a Dynamic Reference Property

Use the Add Dynamic Reference command from the Properties menu to add a new dynamic reference to the selected class. You can add a reference to the selected class at any time.

You can add a dynamic reference property only to a non‑collection class in which a dynamic cluster has been defined.

Design-time reference properties cannot be added, changed, or deleted if the owner class is currently in use.

To add a reference property

  1. In the Class Browser, select the class to which the reference is to be added.

  2. Select the Add Dynamic Reference command from the Properties menu. The Define Reference dialog, shown in the following image in an example of its initial form, is then displayed.

    The read‑only Dynamic check box is checked, and cannot be unchecked. (Use the Define Reference dialog to define a static reference property.)

    You can change the type to a superclass type only if instances of that class exist.

  3. In the Cluster combo box, perform one of the following actions.

All other values are the same as those on the Define Reference dialog for static properties. For details, see "Adding a Reference Property".

The following image is an example of the dynamic reference dialog expanded for inverse definition.

You must select a dynamic cluster for a right‑hand side property that is to be added. (It will be added as a design‑time property.)

Adding, changing, or deleting an inverse involving design‑time properties requires a reorganization to check and populate the associated inverses.

For details about the message box display when you click the OK button, see "Dynamic Clusters and Properties".