Validating Schema Definitions

You can validate the definition of the following elements in your current schema.

To validate the current schema

  1. Select the Validate command from the Schema menu for the current version of a versioned schema. (The Validate command is disabled for the latest schema version when the current schema in marked for reorganization.)

    As classes in the schema may require reorganization, you can validate these classes if the schema itself is not marked for reorganization.

    The Validate Schema dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  2. Check the appropriate check box of each definition in the current schema that you want to validate, as follows.

  3. If you want to validate all schema definitions, click the Set All button. All schema definitions are then checked for validation.

  4. If you do not want your selected definition validations output to your monitor, select the Printer option button to output the results to your default printer or the Log File option button to output your selections to a log file.

    The log file, named valscm.log, is located in the binary (bin) directory in which the JADE executable file (jade.exe) is located.

    You can view the log file by using a text editor such as Notepad. The output file is not cumulative; that is, the file is overwritten the next time it is used.

  5. Click the OK button to confirm your selection. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon this selection.

The validation of all required schema definitions is then initiated. A progress dialog displays the selected definitions as they are validated. After a momentary delay, a message box is displayed, advising you that the validation has completed successfully and no errors were detected. If errors were detected during validation, the End of Validate dialog displays the schema or schemas that contain errors.

If your validation output was directed to the monitor (the default option), the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer window displays the validated definitions. For details about using the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer to view definition validations output to your monitor, see "Using the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer", in Chapter 1 of the JADE Runtime Application User’s Guide.

The following is an example of validation output to the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer window (which is the same as the information output to the default printer and to the valscm.log file).

Validating References
454 object references were validated.
There were no errors.

Validating Inverses
No errors

Validating Dictionaries
No errors

Validating Forms
Control toolBar in Background has no corresponding property
Control tCustomers in Background has no corresponding property

Validating Methods
Method Background::load has errors
Method Background::toolBar_mouseDown has errors
Method Background::toolBar_mouseUp has errors

Validating Reorg Status
No errors

Schema validate completed.
There were 5 errors.
Elapsed time = 00:00:03

If your validation output was directed to your printer or the log file, focus is then returned to the Schema Browser.

If a selected definition requires modification (for example, a method requires compilation or the schema requires reorganization), you must perform the appropriate actions to effect the required change.

Errors are detected when references, dictionaries, or reorganization are validated only when your schema is corrupted, for some reason.