Printing a Selected Schema Element

The Print Options dialog, accessed by clicking the Print Selected icon in the Browser toolbar or by selecting the Print Selected command from the File menu, has options that enable you to print selected elements in the JADE development environment.

The current element determines the selective print options. For example, the Print Options dialog accessed from the Class Browser provides different options from that accessed from the Primitive Types Browser or Interface Browser.

You can access the Print Options dialog only from the Class Browser, Primitive Types Browser, Interface Browser, Global Constants Browser, and the Summary of Patches window.

The Print Selected command enables you to define how specific parts of your JADE development environment for the selected object is to be printed. It does not print output from runtime JADE applications, whose print requirements are defined using the Printer class or the CMDPrint (Printer Dialog) class.

See also "Using the Relationship View Window" and "Printing Class or Primitive Type Constants", in Chapter 4 of this document, "Printing an Interface" in Chapter 14 of this document, and "Printing a Patch History Summary", in Chapter 3 of the JADE Development Environment Administration Guide.

An example of the dialog that is displayed when you select a class in the Class List of the Class Browser is shown in the following image.

You can select operations documentation (technical objects such as subclasses, methods, or references) for development purposes, and user documentation (design-related objects such as forms) for such things as end-user sign-off.

Click the appropriate check boxes and option buttons for the selections that you require for your documentation. A check mark is displayed in check boxes of options that are selected for printing. Option buttons are displayed as filled, or solid, when selected.

Invalid selections for the selected element are dimmed; for example, if you are selecting your print options from the Class Browser and you select the Hierarchy Print Selection option button, the Sub Classes Class Selection check box and the References and Source check boxes in the Options group box are disabled.

To select the print options for the element selected in a browser window

  1. When your selected element is a class, the Print Selection group box enables you to print detailed information for the class in class or hierarchy order. (This group box is displayed only when you access the Print Option dialog when you have selected a class in the Class Browser.)

    The default By Class option button prints the inheritance of each selected class and its subclasses. For example, if you select printing of an Animal class by class, your output might be as follows:

    Alternatively, select the Hierarchy option button if you want to print a summary of information for the selected class in hierarchical order. For example, if you select hierarchical printing of an Animal class, your output might be as follows:

  2. When the selected element is a class, the Class Selection group box enables you to select additional class details. (This group box is displayed only when you access the Print Option dialog when you have selected a class in the Class Browser and the By Class option button is selected in the Print Selection group box of the Print Options dialog.)

    Check the:

  3. In the Options group box, select the information that you want or print for the selected element by checking check boxes that are not selected by default or unchecking any check box whose option is selected by default if you do not want to include that information in your print output.

    Your print output can contain the following information, to meet your requirements.

  4. If you do not want your selections to be output to the printer, select one of the following.

  5. Click the Print Setup button if you want to change the setup of your printing. For details, see "Setting Up Your Printer", in the following subsection.

  6. Click the OK button to confirm your selections. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.