
The arguments that you can specify in the action parameter after the startAppParameters parameter are listed in the following table.

Action Instructs the jadclient program to …
abortReorg Undo the effects of an incomplete reorganization.
auditEnableSecondaryApps Restart server applications on a secondary database (run from the primary database).
initiateReorg Reorganize the schemas identified by the schemas parameter.
initiateReorgAllSchemas Reorganize all schemas requiring reorganization.
initiateTransition Initiate the transition.
restartReorg Restart an interrupted reorganization. If a previous reorganization was unable to complete (for example, because of a system crash, out of disk error, and so on), use this argument to restart the failed reorganization at the point at which it failed.

If you specify the initiateReorg, initiateReorgAllSchemas, or restartReorg value in the action parameter, you can define the optional parameters described in the following sections. (These parameters are ignored if the action parameter has any other value.)