Using the Navigation Bar in Hierarchy Browsers

Each hierarchy browser (for example, the Class Browser) can display a navigation bar (shown in the following image), with drop‑down combo boxes from which you can select a schema, a class, and a method.

Selecting a schema, class, or method refreshes the current browser with the selected entity; for example, selecting a schema refreshes the display to that schema (as though a new browser was opened) and selecting a class selects the class (as though a class was selected using F4).

The display is updated when the combo box is closed and a list entry has been selected. This enables you to use the arrow keys to scroll through the entries and enter text to refine the list before clicking the required entry or pressing Enter.

The navigation bar is hidden, by default. Toggle the display of the navigation bar by checking or unchecking the Show Navigation Bar check box on the Browser sheet of the Preferences dialog. The setting of this check box is saved in your user profile and can be extracted to a preferences initialization file by using the existing Export Preferences functionality provided on the Miscellaneous sheet of the Preferences dialog. You can also toggle the navigation bar display by using the View menu Show Navigation Bar command.

The navigation bar combo boxes, from left to right, are as follows.

If one of the combo box entries is selected and the current method display has been changed but not saved, you are prompted to save or discard the changes, or to cancel the action.

Each combo box enables you to enter text. Changing the combo box text causes the display of only entries that contain the specified text somewhere in the entity name.

The search process handles uppercase searches if all text entered after the first character is uppercase. The list then includes all entries in which the first character of the entity name matches the first entered character and the entity name has uppercase characters that match the order of the remaining entered uppercase text. For example, entering sNT in the method combo box at the right of the navigation bar include method names searchNameTextOnly and someNumberedTest.

Because the same form can be used to access different schemas, the browser history in the displayed History menu includes the schema name if the entry is not for the currently selected schema.

If the accessed schema was versioned, any history menu list entry for the versioned schema (for example, the schema or a class name) is preceded by an asterisk (*) character.