Mapping Classes to Tables

The Map Classes to Tables sheet of the Relational Population Service wizard enables you to map the selected classes to relational database tables.

An example of the Map Classes to Tables sheet is shown in the following image.

The Relational Population Service wizard provides a default relational database table name for each selected class and default update modes. This sheet also enables you to edit or remove class-to-table maps.

For details about refining the tables displayed on this sheet of the Relational Population Service wizard, see the following subsections.

To refine the class to table mapping

  1. In the Table column, click on the table name that you want to change and then specify the required table name. The name must be valid in the relational database, with a maximum length of 80 characters.

  2. Check the check box in the cell of the Excluded column if you want to exclude the table from the RPS mapping when used on the RPS node, but retain the table in the schema definition.

    For details about customizing an RPS mapping for a specific site, see "Site-Specific RPS Mapping Customization", in Chapter 2 of the JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Administration Guide.

  3. Check the check box in the cell of the Output Callback column if you want the table used in callback methods in a user-defined Datapump application; that is, you want to manipulate the output.

    The tables that are selected (checked) in this column are passed to your application before being output to the RDBMS database. The check boxes in this column are unchecked by default, to avoid the overhead of creating the dynamic objects and calling the user routine when not required.

    Selecting this option has no effect if callbacks are not registered in your Datapump application or if you have not defined your own Datapump application. For details about user-defined Datapump applications, see "RPS Datapump Application", in Chapter 2 of the JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Administration Guide.

  4. In the Update Mode columns:

  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 of this instruction for all class to table maps that you want to refine for your RPS mapping.