Loading an RPS Mapping

You can load an RPS mapping as part of the schema in which it is defined or you can load only an extracted full or partial RPS mapping.

You cannot extract a schema from a system with the Map to String (7.1 format) option set and load it into a JADE system that has a different oid mapping. (As the schema load will fail, you must upgrade the system into which you want to load the schema.)

Loading a partial RPS mapping updates only the class maps in the RPS mapping that have been included in the extract file.

When no reorganization is required after the .scm file load, the .ddb or .ddx file can be loaded (as normal) before the reorganization is performed. If a reorganization is required after the .scm file load and before the .ddb or .ddx file load, the .ddbx file can be loaded before the reorganization, to keep the RPS mappings up-to-date with the schema changes. After the reorganization, the .ddb or .ddx file is loaded as normal, to complete the changes. (When extracting a schema with an RPS mapping and the DDX format style is selected, a separate .ddbx file is produced as for a DDB extract but the file contents are in XML format.)

See "Before You Get Started", in the JADE Schema Load User's Guide for details about the order in which to load separate RPS mapping extract files and selective schema extract files into a deployed database.

To load an RPS mapping

The Load Options dialog is then displayed.

For details about using the Load Options dialog, see "Loading Your Schema", in Chapter 10.