Extracting an Interface

You can extract an interface as part of the schema in which it is defined, or you can extract only the interface itself (and any constants, methods, and text defined in the interface).

As the complete interface must be extracted when an interface method is required to be extracted, the extract process validates that methods specified in a parameter file are not defined as part of an interface. (For details about extracting to a parameter file, see "Specifying Your Parameter File Options", in Chapter 10.)

To extract an interface only

  1. In the Interface List of the Interface Browser, select the interface that you want to extract.

  2. Select the Extract command from the Interfaces menu.

The common Save As dialog is then displayed, to enable you to specify the name and location of your interface file. (The common Save As dialog does not enable you to encrypt the saved file.)

The file name defaults to the name of the current interface, with a .cls suffix. The location defaults to your JADE working directory; for example:


As the associated constants, methods, and text are also extracted when you extract an interface, the Extract command is a quick means of extracting an interface for:

The interface Extract command is a simpler, faster way to extract a specific interface and all constants, methods, and text defined in the interface than performing a selective extract of your schema.

If you load an extracted interface into a different schema (by using the Advanced Load Options dialog to specify the target schema), the interface and any elements defined in that interface is created in the target schema but no corresponding class and stub methods are created.

If you require these, you must define the appropriate class (or classes) and stub methods manually or you can extract each class that implements mapping to the interface in the source schema and then load the extracted class or classes into the target schema after you have loaded the interface, before defining the mapping implementation that you require.

For details about extracting the interface as part of the schema in which it is defined, see "Extracting Your Schema", in Chapter 10.