Specifying Your Extract Options

The Extract Options sheet of the Extract dialog is displayed when you select the Extract command from the Schema menu, to enable you to specify the type of extract that you require.

To specify your extract options

  1. In the Options group box, select the Multiple Schemas option button if you want to extract more than one schema. By default, only the current schema is extracted.

    The Multi Extract File Name text box is then displayed, instead of the Schema File Name and Forms File Name text boxes, as both schemas and forms are extracted with default file names when this option is selected.

    In addition, the Extract Latest check box is displayed at the right of the dialog when you select the Multiple Schemas option button. By default, this check box is checked if the current schema is not versioned or it is versioned and it is the latest version. If the schema is versioned and you want to extract the current (committed) version, uncheck this check box.

  2. Select your extract option in the Current Schema group box. By default, the full schema is extracted; that is, the Extract All option is selected.

    Select the Use Parameter File option button if you want to specify selected classes, interfaces, and methods that are to be extracted. Use this option if you want to set up a parameter file that can be used for this and for subsequent subschema extracts. This enables you to extract the same classes and methods for any extract that is performed with this option selected until you change the parameter text file.

    If you select the Use Parameter File option, you must first have defined a parameter text file by using a text editor; for example, Notepad.

    Select the Selective Extract option button if you want to select specific classes, interfaces, and methods to be extracted.

    The Selective sheet is then displayed. Any specified classes, interfaces, and methods that you select are for this extract only. Although the selection is not saved for subsequent extracts of the subschema, you can save the selective extract information, if required, by using the Save Parameters check box in the Selective sheet.

    Select the Changes option button if you want to extract only the changes made to entities (classes, interfaces, method sources, property or constant details, and so on) in the schema patch versions.

  3. If you want to extract form and data definitions in XML Device Data Exchange (DDX) format instead of the Device‑Dependent Bitmap (DDB) format, check the Extract Forms/Data as XML (ddx file) check box. The value of this check box defaults to the value of the Use DDX style (xml format) as Default instead of DDB check box on the Schema sheet of the Preferences dialog. By default, this check box is unchecked; that is, schemas are extracted as .ddb files.

    The XML format does not include JADE oids. All entities are identified by name and by their position in the XML object hierarchy. You can compare the DDX file to another version of the file, to identify what has changed between the two versions.

    The first line of a .ddx file has the <?xml... header. The format of the second line is:

    <schema name="schema‑name" JadeVersionNumber="JADE‑version" JadePatchNumber="patch‑number" CompleteDefinition="true|false">

    The following is an example of the first and second lines of the XML file.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    <schema name="CalculatorSchema" JadeVersionNumber="18.0.01" JadePatchNumber="0" CompleteDefinition="true">

    The schema name, which specifies the schema the information is for, must be included.

    The JadeVersionNumber tag identifies the version of JADE that was used to produce the file.

    The JadePatchNumber tag specifies the patch number to use for the load; otherwise the current patch number is used.

    The CompleteDefinition tag, which must be present, specifies whether the file is a complete definition for the whole schema or it is a partial schema. If the value of the CompleteDefinition tag is true, any existing entities not included in the file are deleted.

  4. In the Schema File Name text box, specify the name and location of the schema file that you want to extract; for example, c:\jade\bin\MySchema.scm. If you do not specify a location, the file is extracted to your JADE working directory.

    If you want to extract the schema to an existing file or you are unsure of existing extract file names or location, click the Browse button. The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the appropriate file or location, if required.

    For ease of identification, you should prefix your schema file name with at least the first few distinguishing characters of the schema name and with the appropriate suffix (for example, scm for an extracted schema, mth for an extracted method, or cls for an extracted class or interface). An error is raised if you are extracting the schema and you do not specify the name of a file, your specified file name or path is invalid, or an existing file cannot be accessed.

  5. In the Forms File Name text box, specify the name and location of the forms file that you want to extract; for example, c:\jade\bin\MySchema.ddb. If you do not specify a location, the file is extracted to your JADE working directory.

    If you want to extract the form and control definitions to an existing file or you are unsure of existing extract file names or location, click the Browse button. The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the appropriate file or location, if required.

    For ease of identification, you should prefix your forms file name with at least the first few distinguishing characters of the schema name, with a suffix of .ddb. An error is raised if you are extracting form and control definitions and you do not specify the name of a file, your specified file name or path is invalid, or an existing file cannot be accessed.

  6. If you selected the Multiple Schemas option button from the Options group box, specify the name and location of the multiple schemas file you want to extract (for example, c:\jade\bin\TestScms.mul) in the Multi Extract File Name text box. If you do not specify a location, the file is extracted to your JADE working directory. Each schema that you selected is extracted to a separate pair of .scm and .ddb files. The multiple schemas extract file itself contains merely a list of these file names.

    If you want to extract the schemas to an existing multiple schemas file or you are unsure of existing file names or location, click the Browse button. The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the appropriate file or location, if required.

    The file prefix defaults to the name of the current schema, with a file suffix of .mul. An error is raised if you are extracting multiple schemas and you do not specify the name of a file or if an existing file cannot be accessed. (See "Multiple Schema File Syntax", later in this chapter, for more details.)

  7. If you selected the Multiple Schemas option button from the Options group box, click the Schemas sheet. For details, see "Extracting Multiple Schemas", in the following section.

    If you selected the:

    Alternatively, click the OK button to confirm your selections, the Schema Options sheet to specify your schema options or the Cancel button to abandon your selections.