The SDS Administration application enables you to monitor and administer your primary and secondary databases. The following is an example of a command line required to run the SDS Administration application.
C:\Jade\bin\jade.exe name=PrimarySite schema=JadeMonitorSchema app=JadeSDSAdmin path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jadeSDS.ini server=multiUser
To access the SDS Administration utility
Ensure that the JADE Remote Node Access utility is running. For details about the JADE Remote Node Access utility, see "
Select the SDS Administration program icon from your JADE program folder, to run the SDS Administration application.
When you successfully invoke the JadeSDSAdmin application, the SDS Admin database view is then displayed, enabling you to monitor and administer systems in a Synchronized Database Environment (SDE).
A collapsed node in a database view displays a summary of the details in the Attributes column for that database. Expanding a node displays all attributes details. The database view contains a node for the primary and each secondary system, with attributes of an entity of a collapsed or expanded primary or secondary system node listed in the Attributes column at the right of the form.
An expanded primary system node on the database view provides a summary of primary database attributes, whose details you can display by expanding the primary system and summary nodes. An expanded secondary system node provides a summary of transactions, journal state, and operational state attributes, whose attribute details you can display by expanding the operational state, journal state, and transactions nodes, respectively.
The context menu, accessed when you right-click on a node or element, contains commands applicable to the entity from which you access the context menu. For example, you can close the current journal when you access the context menu from the primary system node or you can start or stop tracking when you access the context menu from a secondary system node.
The state of a secondary database is indicated by the background color of secondary system nodes in the primary database and secondary database forms, as follows.
Bright green, which indicates that the secondary database is synchronized with the primary database.
Yellow, which indicates that the secondary database is catching up with the primary database.
Orange, which indicates that database tracking has halted. If tracking has halted because of an error condition, the Last Error attribute contains the associated error code.
Blue, which indicates that the secondary database is replaying a reorganization.
Dark gray, which indicates that the secondary database is disconnected from the primary database.
Red, which indicates a problem on a secondary server caused the halting of an operation (for example, when a journal is missing or when out of disk space). Alarm events require operation intervention to resolve the problem before resuming the operation that halted.
The value of the Last Error attribute in the operational state details provides the associated JADE error code (for example, 3125 if a required transaction journal was not found).
You can display the legend for the database state at the bottom of the primary and secondary database forms and change the default state colors. For details, see "Displaying the Legend for the Database State", later in this chapter.