User Database Conversion Examples

When specifying command line arguments, separate the argument and its associated values with a space and enclose any command line arguments that contain spaces in double (" ") or single (' ') quotation marks. (See also "Running the User Database Conversion Application Example".)

When you specify an argument after the startAppParameters argument in the command line for the JadeConvertDb application, there cannot be white space on either side of the equals sign (for example, rebuildDicts = true will not work).

The following command prompt example converts all database files, including user schemas and user data. This example is a single-threaded copy.

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\test\jade.ini schema=RootSchema app=JadeConvertDb startAppParameters defaultPath=/jade/system userSchema=true

The following command prompt example converts five user database files, splitting the output between two directories. This example is a single-threaded copy.

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\test\jade.ini schema=RootSchema app=JadeConvertDb startAppParameters defaultPath=/jade/system mapfile1 mapFile2 userPath=/jade/system1 mapFile3 userPath=/jade/system2 mapFile4 mapFile5

The following command prompt example converts user database files in groups of five in parallel. The control file is to be recreated.

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\test\jade.ini schema=RootSchema app=JadeConvertDb startAppParameters defaultPath=/jade/system copies=5