Defining and Maintaining Folder Control Skins

The Controls sheet, shown in the following image, is displayed when the Folder control is selected in the Control Type combo box.

The list of control skins for the Folder control is then displayed in the Control type skin List table.

To define or maintain a folder control skin

  1. Perform the actions that you require to define a folder control skin or change an existing skin. For details about the areas of the Controls sheet that are common to all control types, see "Using the Controls Sheet".

  2. If you do not want the default active or inactive tab color used for your folder skin, uncheck the Default active tab color? or Default inactive tab color? check box.

    The common Color dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the active or inactive color that you require for your folder tabs.

    Alternatively, click the Set button at the right of these check boxes if you want to change the default active or inactive tab color by selecting the required value in the common Color dialog.

  3. If you want to change the height of the tabs in a folder that uses the default tab height, specify the number of pixels in the Tab height text box.

    If the height of the tabs for the folder has been specifically set, the specified value is ignored.

    By default, the tab height is set to zero (0), indicating that the default height is the calculated text height using the font of the folder. If you set the tab height to a positive value, each tab is drawn the specified number of pixels high.

  4. In the Image for Button Tabs combo box, select the image that you require for the tabs in your folder skin when the tabs have the button style applied.