Unload Definition Command

Use the Unload Definition command from the File menu to unload report and template definitions to a flat file.

Unlike the Extract Data command of the File menu, the Unload Definition command does not extract a report file containing all of the data returned by running the report query, but it is a way of saving your report design or layouts to a separate flat file.

The Load Definition and Unload Definition commands provide a transfer and backup utility for reports created by using the JADE Report Writer Designer application.

To extract report and template definitions to a flat file

  1. Select the Unload Definition command from the File menu.

    The Report Unload dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  2. In the Report Unload group box, select one of the following options to unload your report definitions to a flat file. To unload:

  3. In the Template Unload group box, select one of the following options to unload your report template definitions to a flat file.

    To unload:

  4. In the File Name text box, enter the name and location of the file to which you want to extract your selected report and template definitions. You should define a file with the .rwr suffix. If you are unsure of your file name or location, click the Browse button. The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the appropriate file location.

  5. Click the Unload button, to begin the unload process and extract your selected report and template definitions. Alternatively, click the Close button to abandon your selections and return to the JADE Report Writer Designer application window.